Monday, April 10, 2023

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Assign the private key to a new Any new Certificate (GoDaddy)

Many of you tried to export certificate with private key and "export the private key" is greyed out during you export the certificate.

Many time I have faced issue with private key when I downloads the new certificate from GoDaddy or receive any certificate from my vendors. If you see grey out option for "export the private key" means the private key of the certificate cannot be exported after the certificate is enrolled.

So, there is workaround to solve this issue. 

1. Unzip the downloaded certificate files from GoDaddy.

2.  Copy certificate serial number by extracting certificate files. Cert file name is the certificate serial number.

3. Then open Command Prompt or Powershell in Administrator mode and type the below command. 

certutil -repairstore my "218xxxxxxxxxxx"

Change 218xxxxxxxxxxx with your certificate serial number.

Then your certificate will show Private key icon. Then from MMC-Certificates you can export certificate with key for that follow below steps.

1. Open Run and type MMC and click Ok.

2. Click on File->Add Remove Snap-in -> Click on ADD

3. Select Certificates-> Click Add

4. In Certificates tab select computer account and click Next. The select Local Computer and click on Finish.

5. In Certificate (Local Computer) click on the personal folder and certificates, select the certificate which you want to export with private key, and then select Export.

Then you can export the certificate with private key and you can install it on any computer/IIS.


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